Make a donation in Tom’s honor
to The Friends of the Maryland State Parks
Please make a note when donating saying
“In honor of Ranger Tom Shamp”
by Mail
FOMSP President
P.O. Box 3284
Ocean City, MD 21843
The Friends of the Maryland State Parks (FOMSP; FED ID # 52-2049562) is a statewide, independent, all-volunteer 501(c)3 non-profit organization. FOMSP are dedicated to preserving, protecting, enhancing, and advocating for our state parks. FOMSP was incorporated in 1997, with a focus on investments in our state parks to provide economic value to local economies; protection and conservation of natural resources; nature activities and programs for children; environmental education and stewardship; cultural and historical preservation and restoration; critical maintenance and capital improvements in our parks; and programs that promote healthy lifestyles for our park visitors. In 2020 the FOMSP launched the Small Grants, Big Impact! program, designed to inspire people from all backgrounds to connect with, celebrate, and support Maryland’s State Parks and their community-based programs. Since 2021, the FOMSP has awarded 95 grants statewide.